Live Scan Fingerprinting Plus Phone: (951)743-2500 Bus Hrs: Monday - Friday: 9:30 AM to 5 PM Fingerprinting, Notary Public, Passport Photos 4183 Riverview Drive, Riverside (Jurupa Valley), CA 92509 |
Education / Teachers and other School Employees, Youth Sports, Church Volunteers
Childcare / Child Care Workers, Adoptive and Foster Parents, Children and Family Services Workers
Elder Care and Nursing Home Employees
Real Estate / Mortgage Brokers
Healthcare / Home Health & Hospice Workers, IHSS Employee
Financial Services and Banking
Security Personnel / Armed & Unarmed Guards, Fire Arms
Lottery Employees
Public Transportation Workers, DMV Sales Person, Registration,...
Airline and Airport Employees
Concealed Firearm Permits
Casino Employees
We also provides Ink Card Fingerprinting service, if you required.
SF 87A Ink Card Fingerprinting for Border Patrol or any other use
FBI FD-258 Ink Card Fingerprinting for FBI background check or any other use
Ink Card Fingerprinting for any other use
We also offer FBI Live Scan Fingerprinting for the followings:
The FBI DOCE consist of :
To make sure your FBI record is complete, accurate, and up-to-date
To review or to request a correction or update
To challenge information on your record
Adopting a child
To satisfy a requirement to live in a foreign country
To satisfy a requirement to work in a foreign country
To satisfy a requirement to travel in a foreign country
Other court related matters.
Applicants for employment, licenses, certifications and volunteers at schools and nonprofit organizations are often required to have their fingerprints recorded and reviewed by the California Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to determine an applicant's suitability.
Live Scan Fingerprinting Plus staff are certified and authorized by the California Department of Justice (DOJ) to provide Live Scan fingerprinting services to the general public in the State of California.
Department of Justice (DoJ) or FBI Background Check for Applicant Record Review is also required by many countries for Immigration, Visa or Citizenship process. Personal record Review for DoJ or FBI.
California DoJ Applicant Background Check Status Link: Applicant Background Check Status:
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